still 18th Century Chess Life in Hungary György Blahó,
Éva Kozma,
Gábor Tálosi
still Do You Know My Method? János Sugár,
Balázs Béla Stúdió,
László László Révész
video art
still Dragon Anita Sárosi,
Gábor Erdélyi
video art
still Girls (Bernadett, Eszter, Orsi) Tamás Komoróczky
video art
still Hungarian and French Chess Relations from Kempelen to Duchamp Iván Bottlik
still Kempelen's Artful Science, His Poetical Writings and an Early Source from 1769 Brigitte Felderer,
Ernst Strouhal,
Éva Kozma
and others
still On Divine Automatons: Living Machines / Machines of the Living Siegfried Zielinski,
Éva Kozma,
Gábor Tálosi
still Passages Patrick Hughes
still Presenting Talking Chess Machines Hans-Peter Ketterling,
Éva Kozma,
Gábor Tálosi
still raka_tiki_taki_tao_tö_ki... Tamás Komoróczky
video art
still Re bene gesta Antal Lux
video art
still Room for Zen Koans Patrick Hughes
still SAN László László Révész
computer art,
installation art,
video art
1997 - 1998
still The Alphabet as a Technology Anthony Moore,
Éva Kozma,
Gábor Tálosi
still The Birth of the MACHINE: Raymundus Lullus and His Invention Werner Künzel
still Yin and Yang Patrick Hughes

0-9 16th century | 17th century | 18th century | 2D | 3D | 4D

A abstract art | access | accident | action | action art | adolescence | advertising | aesthetics | agression | alienation | analogue | animal | animation | anthropology | appropriation | archaeology | architecture | archive | art education | art history | art system | artificial | artificial intelligence | artistic collaboration | artistic research | audio | audiovisual | augmented reality | autobiography | automatic | avant-garde

B biography | biology | body | body art | borders | broadcasting | browser

C chaos | child | choreography | cinema | city | clip | close-up views | closed-circuit | cognition | coincidence | collage | collecting | colour | communication | communism | community | computer art | computer game | concept art | conceptual art | conflict | constructivism | consumerism | control | corporal | cultural heritage | cultural studies | cyberculture | cybernetics | cyberspace | cyborg

D dance | dark | data processing | death | deconstruction | democracy | design | desire | dialogue | dictatorship | digital | digital community | digital culture | digitising | direct animation | disease | distortion | distribution | do-it-yourself | documentary | dramaturgy | drawing | dreams

E earth | east / west | education | electronic | electronic music | energy | environment | eroticism | ethics | ethnography | every day issues | exhibition | exoticism | experiment | experimental film | expression

F fairy tales | family | fantasy | fear | female | fiction | film history | fire | fluxus | folklore | food | found footage | fractals | freedom | futurism

G game | gender | generative art | geometry | geopolitics | gesture | graphic

H hacking | hardware | health | history | history of technology | holography | home | human-machine interaction | humour | hypertext

I icon | identity | image | image recognition | improvisation | individual | information | information retrieval | information society | inspiration | installation | intelligent systems | interactive | interactive cinema | interdisciplinary | interface | internet art | interpretation | interview | intimacy | irony | IT

K kinetic art | knowledge

L land art | landscape | language | law | life | lifestyle | light | light art | linguistics | literacy | literature | loop | love

M machine | mail art | male | mass communication | mass media | mathematics | MC | meaning | media archaeology | media art | meditation | memory | meta commentary | metaphor | metropolis | middle ages | military | minorities | mixed media | modeling | modernism | monologue | montage | movement | moving image | multi-channel | multimedia | museum | music | mysticism | mythology

N nanotechnology | narration | narrative | nationalism | nature | net.art | neurobiology | noise | nomadism

O object | online world | opera | optics | orientalism | other, the

P pain | painting | past / future | perception | performance | performing art | personal history | perspective | philosophy | photography | physics | pleasure | poetry | politics | portrait | postmodernism | preservation | print | privacy | process | programming | propaganda | psychology | public / private | public art | public space

R racism | radio | real-time | reality | reconstruction | recording | relationship | religion | remix | renaissance | reproduction | research | resistance movement | revolution | rhythm | robotics | rotation | rural

S sampling | science | science fiction | sculpture | search engines | semiotics | sensors | sexuality | simulation | single-channel | site-specific | skin | slow motion | sociology | software | sound | sound art | sound installation | sound sculpture | sound-image interaction | space | special effects | spectatorship | speech | speed | sport | still image | stop-motion | storytelling | street art | structuralism | subjectivity | surveillance | symbol

T technique | technocracy | telecommunication | telephone | television | television art | text | theology | theory | time | touch | trade | tradition | transformation | typography

U urban | urbanism | utopia

V version | video | video art | video installation | viewer | viewpoint | violence | virtual reality | virus | vision | visualisation | voice | voyeurism

W war | water | web design | webcasting | work | world wide web | writing

Y youth