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Architecture, Radiation and Resurrection, on the envelopes - Postal Stamp Project |
Pál Gerber |
public art |
1993-11-07 - 1993-11-30 |
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Proszenium Mail - Art |
Antal Lux, Amadinda Percussion Group, Zsuzsa Dobai |
video art |
1989 |
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Telephone Booth Gallery |
Zsolt Koroknai |
public art |
1993-11-22 - 1993-11-30 |
0-9 16th century | 17th century | 18th century | 2D | 3D | 4D
A abstract art | access | accident | action | action art | adolescence | advertising | aesthetics | agression | alienation | analogue | animal | animation | anthropology | appropriation | archaeology | architecture | archive | art education | art history | art system | artificial | artificial intelligence | artistic collaboration | artistic research | audio | audiovisual | augmented reality | autobiography | automatic | avant-garde
B biography | biology | body | body art | borders | broadcasting | browser
C chaos | child | choreography | cinema | city | clip | close-up views | closed-circuit | cognition | coincidence | collage | collecting | colour | communication | communism | community | computer art | computer game | concept art | conceptual art | conflict | constructivism | consumerism | control | corporal | cultural heritage | cultural studies | cyberculture | cybernetics | cyberspace | cyborg
D dance | dark | data processing | death | deconstruction | democracy | design | desire | dialogue | dictatorship | digital | digital community | digital culture | digitising | direct animation | disease | distortion | distribution | do-it-yourself | documentary | dramaturgy | drawing | dreams
E earth | east / west | education | electronic | electronic music | energy | environment | eroticism | ethics | ethnography | every day issues | exhibition | exoticism | experiment | experimental film | expression
F fairy tales | family | fantasy | fear | female | fiction | film history | fire | fluxus | folklore | food | found footage | fractals | freedom | futurism
G game | gender | generative art | geometry | geopolitics | gesture | graphic
H hacking | hardware | health | history | history of technology | holography | home | human-machine interaction | humour | hypertext
I icon | identity | image | image recognition | improvisation | individual | information | information retrieval | information society | inspiration | installation | intelligent systems | interactive | interactive cinema | interdisciplinary | interface | internet art | interpretation | interview | intimacy | irony | IT
K kinetic art | knowledge
L land art | landscape | language | law | life | lifestyle | light | light art | linguistics | literacy | literature | loop | love
M machine | mail art | male | mass communication | mass media | mathematics | MC | meaning | media archaeology | media art | meditation | memory | meta commentary | metaphor | metropolis | middle ages | military | minorities | mixed media | modeling | modernism | monologue | montage | movement | moving image | multi-channel | multimedia | museum | music | mysticism | mythology
N nanotechnology | narration | narrative | nationalism | nature | net.art | neurobiology | noise | nomadism
O object | online world | opera | optics | orientalism | other, the
P pain | painting | past / future | perception | performance | performing art | personal history | perspective | philosophy | photography | physics | pleasure | poetry | politics | portrait | postmodernism | preservation | print | privacy | process | programming | propaganda | psychology | public / private | public art | public space
R racism | radio | real-time | reality | reconstruction | recording | relationship | religion | remix | renaissance | reproduction | research | resistance movement | revolution | rhythm | robotics | rotation | rural
S sampling | science | science fiction | sculpture | search engines | semiotics | sensors | sexuality | simulation | single-channel | site-specific | skin | slow motion | sociology | software | sound | sound art | sound installation | sound sculpture | sound-image interaction | space | special effects | spectatorship | speech | speed | sport | still image | stop-motion | storytelling | street art | structuralism | subjectivity | surveillance | symbol
T technique | technocracy | telecommunication | telephone | television | television art | text | theology | theory | time | touch | trade | tradition | transformation | typography
V version | video | video art | video installation | viewer | viewpoint | violence | virtual reality | virus | vision | visualisation | voice | voyeurism
W war | water | web design | webcasting | work | world wide web | writing
Y youth