Erdély Dániel

Person Type:
Life Span:
1956 –
Country of Birth:
It was during his studies in graphic design at the University of Applied Arts (1977/81) that he made the first sketch of his invention, the Spidron (1979). He was member of the art group Indigo (1974/82). He worked as a graphic and an illustrator (1981/86), later he became leader of the Murus Fine Arts Creative Group (Murus Képzőművészeti Alkotócsoport) (1986/91). He did researches related to network cultures in the 90's. He is a student of the Doctoral School of the University of Sience in Pécs since 2004. The Spidron is an invention of a geometric system which consists of the alteration of isosceles triangles. Folding the two-dimensional figure by the sides resulted in a structure which offered extraordinary solutions to fill out space. The Hungarian presentation of the invention took place at the International Symmetry Festival (2003), then again at the exhibition of the Budapest Gallery (2005). The spidron, which raises fascinating questions in both visual art and architecture, has been the subject of constant professional discourse, including: 'New Theatres of Space in Art Creation: Scientific and Art Symposium on Spatial Geometry' (Budapest, Hungarian Patent Office, 2009). (2011)
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