Máriás Béla

Person Type:
Life Span:
1966 –
drMáriás (born Béla Máriás in Novi Sad, 1966) contemporary painter, novelist and musician, frontman of the Tudósok band. Studied at the University of Art in Belgrade. In 1991 moved to Hungary from Yugoslavia where he resides since. His multi-disciplinal art can be featured as having strong and critical attitude that deals with existential questins deriving from East-European identity, historic and political context. His artistic language implements elements of avantgarde, dadaistic, pop art, soc art and surrealist attitude. Defines his activity and social surgery. Leader, singer, saxophone and trumpet player of the Tudósok band (The Scientists) that gave more hundreds of concerts from Russia to the United States of America. Had many solo exhibitions among other in Budapest, London, Belgrade, Vienna, Ljubljana and New York. His prose has been connected to the beat generation and the Russian avantgarde. His books have been presented in the form of multimedia events, plays, performances, concerts. His essays on art are published in the Élet és Irodalom weekly and art magazines. Forrás:http://www.drmarias.hu/en/about/ (2016)
still Alone at Zero Square performance art