Serexhe Bernhard
Person Type:
Life Span:
1950 –
Country of Birth:
Bernhard Serexhe, born in 1950, is head curator of the ZKM | Media Musem. Studies in sociology, psychology, art history, philosophy, educational science, doctorate in art history on the cathedral of Autun (France), archaeological reseach and restauration studies on romanesque architecture in Burgundy, scientific publications on architecture and heritage history, art and media theory. Since 1995 consultant for the Council of Europe, NGOs and other cultural institutions. 1994-1997 curator of the Media Museum of the ZKM | Centre for Art and Media Karlsruhe, 1998-2005 head of the ZKM | Museum Communication, since 2006 Chief Curator ZKM | Media Museum. Lectureships: 1999 Russian Akademie of Fine Arts St Petersburg, 2000-2001 and 2008 University of Berne, 2001 University of Basel, 2001 University of the Arts Karlsruhe, 2002-2006 lectureship for media art at the University of Karlsruhe. Since 2008 Professor for Aesthetics and Media Theory at the Istanbul BILGIUniversity. Since 2010 initiator and leader of the EU-funded research project digital art conservation.