Gregory Richard

Person Type:
Life Span:
1923 – 2010
Country of Birth:
United Kingdom
Born in London. He is Emeritus Professor of Neuropsychology at the University of Bristol. After graduating from Cambridge University, Downing College in Philosophy and Experimental Psychology (1947/50) he was accepted to research at the M.R.C. Applied Psychology Unit in Cambridge (1950/53). He was a university demonstrator then lecturer at the Department of Experimental Psychology in Cambridge giving lectures on perception, scientific method, cybernetics (1953/67). He was offered the post of the visiting professor several times i.a. at University of California Los Angeles (1963), at M.I.T. (1964), University California at San Diego (1991, 1993). He is committed to communicate the scientific results towards the public, so he was contributed o.a. Science Now and Phone-in, Dial a Scientist; Any Questions; BBC Documentaries: Recovery from blindness, The Big Illusion: five programmes, BBC Radio 4. He is best known for his researches and experiment on the field of perception as well as the conflict of between the rules, knowledge and the visual illusions. His latest book:'Seeing Through Illusions' (Oxford, OUP, 2009). (2011)
still Putting Illusions in Their Place presentation